About me

In the late 1970s Wu Zhipeng studying at Xiamen, Fuzhou University, China Academy of Art. Fujian was one of China’s leading art centers at that time. During this period Zhipeng came under the influence of Western modern art, but also gained a deep understanding of traditional Chinese painting techniques. As a result of his basic academic training and his own creativeness, as well as participating in activities of arts organizations, he developed a unique style as seen in the creation of the “Bank of China”.  In the late 1980s Wu Zhipeng moved to Australia. In Australia he was able to personally view the originals of a large number of Western artists. Using various genres enabled the paintings to express feelings and subjective experiences. Such freedom of expression in art form rose to a new level. The traditional techniques of creating a new meaning through the expression of the artist’s own subjective feelings, showed different cultural integration and emotions. Traditional techniques drawn from the inexhaustible essence of Australian native art, thus opening up a new way to enrich the cultural life of Australia. In 2013 Wu Zhipeng was selected for a “Cultural Champion Award” by the Queensland Ministry of Culture. This was in recognition of his contribution to culture in Australia

  • Wu Zhipeng (Jack) graduated from Fujian China Academy of Fine Arts in 1982. Jack specialized in both Western and Chinese painting at the Central Academy of Fine Arts and graduated in 1990. His works have been selected for inclusion in many major Chinese exhibitions.

  • Jack was also a part of the “Xiamen Dada” group which was in the forefront of China’s art renaissance.

  • In 1988 Jack migrated to Australia. He hosted a personal exhibition sponsored by the Ministry of Culture for Queensland at Brisbane City Hall in 1996.

  • In 1988 he was invited by Chiang Hsun to hold personal exhibition in Taipei, Taiwan.

  • In 2007 he designed and produced the highly acclaimed outdoor sculpture “Harmony” at Griffith University.

  • Jack Wu Zhipeng was a finalist in the bi-annual Shirley Hannan National Portrait Award 2010 & 2012.

  • On several occasions Jack has been invited to enter the invitation only Annual Tattersall’s Club Landscape Art Prize

  • In 2012 Jack was sponsored by Logan City Council Art Gallery to hold a personal exhibition Moving Forward…Moving Forward.

  • In 2013 Jack was selected to appear on Arts Queensland’s Culture Champions Wall of Fame website. Arts Queensland believes him worthy of the title “Culture Champion” because of his contribution to culture in Queensland through his art.

  • Jack was presented with the above reward at his exhibition of portraits and landscapes he was invited to hold at Parliament House in November 2013. 

  • 2014 ‘ Cold ‘ was selected for the 12th Chinese National Art Exhibition.

  • 2014 Royal Queensland Artists Society’s Wu Zhipeng ‘ Encounter ‘ exhibition.

  • 2015 Association of Xiamen, Xiamen Museum of Art co-organized “Meet Wu Zhipeng Art Exhibition” in Xiamen, China Art Gallery.

  • In 2016, Shanghai Himalaya Culture and Art Fund, Shanghai Zendai Gallery jointly held “Take a Wu Zhipeng Art Exhibition” (Shanghai Himalaya Art Center, “Meeting a Wu Zhipeng Art Exhibition” (Shanghai Zendai Gallery)

  • 2018 “West Zhang Dongwang” Australia Tour Exhibition

  • In 2019, the “Transformation” Wu Zhipeng Art Exhibition was jointly organized by the Xiamen Institute of Technology, Fuzhou University, Fujian Sculpture Society, and China’s Art Museum in China
  • In 2020, shortlisted in the Brisbane Portrait Prize, Australia
  • In 2023 Portrait painting of the Governor of Queensland (Dr Jeannette Young)
  • In 2024 “Ten Thousand Weathers” Chinese Contemporary Art Invitational Exhibition

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